This past Friday our second and third graders enjoyed pretending they were attending school in 1896 at Fowler School. Students came to school dressed in old time attire along with their old time lunches to really put their minds in that time period.
Once we arrived at Fowler School, the boys and girls walked in separate doors and sat on different sides of the room. Students were instructed by their teacher, Miss Lorna (Mrs. Brandt) while Miss Marian (Miss Beery) assisted with multiple activities throughout the day (and took many photos of students in their spiffy outfits). Students had Bible, arithmetic, reading, and social studies lessons, all taught as if our Bethlehem students were students in 1896.
Students enjoyed using slates and chalk as well as their copy books to complete some of their lessons (thank you, Mrs. Sowatsky, for making the copy books!). Students also had an opportunity to experiment with some stereographs, which are 3-D viewing devices that were very popular during that time period. Also, students enjoyed dipping pens in ink and writing with these old fashioned pens (without spilling too much ink).
At the end of the day, groups of students recited poems they had memorized in front of the classroom. They did an awesome job!
Students enjoyed all of these activities, but they especially enjoyed lunch and recess!
Sadly, there were students who were not behaving as they should. These students were disciplined as though they were students in 1896...they were brought to the front of the room, put their nose in the corner, and wore the Dunce cap. (Just an FYI here...this wasn't actually a "punishment" for students, they were laughing hysterically as they all lined up to have a turn to wear the cap) :D
Friday was an absolutely beautiful day to go to Fowler School and have students experience 1896 in a one room schoolhouse. Feel free to ask your child what their favorite part of the day was!
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