Friday, February 23, 2018

Sound Makers

For the past few weeks our second and third graders have been learning about sound in science. They have learned that sound can have different pitches and volumes. So, to practice this knowledge, second and third graders had the opportunity to create some different sounds in the classroom using popsicle sticks, rubber bands, and straws. Students were given instructions on how to make a homemade harmonica using these items and then they were given the challenge to change the pitch that their harmonica produced. Students loved experimenting with the sounds that their harmonica could make and all of the students were able to create a different pitch with their instrument.

After students created these harmonicas in the classroom, they were then given the challenge to create their own instrument using materials that they have at home. Students drew out their plans with the knowledge that their instrument would need to change in both pitch and volume in order to receive full points for this project. Students excitedly walked into the classroom on Friday morning with their homemade instruments, ready to play them for the rest of the class. All second and third graders did a fantastic job of playing their instrument in front of the class and demonstrating how they could change both the pitch and the volume on their instrument. Great job students!

Spelling Bee

Yesterday four of our second graders and four of our third graders had the opportunity to participate in the school spelling bee. All eight of our students did an amazing job and everyone enjoyed watching them spell up on the stage. Great job second and third grade spellers!

Valentine's Day Slime

Last week our second and third graders celebrated Valentine's Day by passing out their Valentine treats and doing some fun activities in the classroom. One fun activity that the second and third graders took part in was in making homemade slime! Second and third graders loved making the icky slime and getting their hands dirty as they had the opportunity to play with the gooey stuff. Below are some pictures of our fun Valentine's Day together, enjoy!

Thursday, February 8, 2018

100th Day of School

This week our second and third graders celebrated the 100th day of school. To celebrate this special day, we decided to do some math centers that had to do with the number 100. At these math centers, students created a "100's day crown". To make this crown, students had to stamp, draw, or cut 10 things onto 10 strips of paper (because we know that 10 10's make 100). Once students finished decorating their crown, they were able to wear the crown around the school. Students loved showing these crowns off to the rest of the school!

During these math centers, students also played math games. One of these games involved rolling two dice 100 times to see what number they rolled the most. Second and third graders loved participating in these 100's day math centers!

Students also celebrated 100's day by thinking about what they are going to look like and what they are going to do when they are 100 years old. Students wrote about what they are going to be like when they are 100 years old and then they took a picture using an aging app. This aging app allowed students to get a glimpse of what they may look like when they are 100 years old. Second and third graders loved seeing these pictures! If you would like to get a closer look at these 100's day writings and pictures, feel free to stop by our classroom!

Happy 100th Day of School!