This past Friday our second and third graders had the opportunity to tour around Saginaw and learn a little more about the city that they live in. My father, "Uncle Bob", was kind enough to be our bus driver as we toured around the city. The students began the field trip by going to the Castle Museum. At the museum, students learned a bit more about how Saginaw began as a lumber town and grew into the city that it is today. Students also had the opportunity to look at the miniature railroad "cities" that have been placed at the Castle Museum. Second and third graders loved looking at the miniature buildings along the railroad tracks and watching the train move through them.
There was also a Lego exhibit at the Castle Museum where students had the opportunity to tour through Saginaw buildings built with Legos as well as other well known buildings built with Legos. After watching a video about how the Lego company got started, students toured these buildings and had a chance to build their own Lego creations.
After touring the museum and eating lunch there, our next stop was City Hall. Mayor Browning was gracious enough to greet us and explain what his job was as the mayor of Saginaw. Students loved shaking his hand and asking questions about what it's like to be the mayor of Saginaw.
To finish off our tour, second and third graders stopped at multiple places to hear a little more history about the changes that have occurred in Saginaw. Students enjoyed these stops, especially because of the beautiful statues that have been placed all over the city of Saginaw for people to enjoy.
Second and third graders learned a lot about the history of Saginaw and how it became the city that it is today. Feel free to ask your child what they learned about our city!