To have fun with science for Easter, our second graders participated in an egg drop experiment. For this egg drop experiment, students were told that they would be given a partner to work with and they would have to plan out together how they would save their Easter egg from total annihilation when I threw it up in the air and let it land on the hard floor. In order to save their Easter egg, students would be given two paper towels, one small strip of bubble wrap, one small strip of foam, five rubber bands, and one toilet paper roll. They were told that they would first need to plan out how they would save their egg, bring up their plan to me, and once I approved their plan, they could then begin to create their "armor" for their poor egg friend.
Once the plans were approved, students enjoyed decorating and naming their egg (apparently Bob is a common name for eggs...) before they began to build the protective barrier around the egg.
Students finished up protecting their eggs and then it was time to test their egg armor. All of the eggs were thrown up to the ceiling in the C2C room and then they all dropped to the hard cement floor. Once the eggs all dropped, students uncovered the egg to discover whether or not their poor egg friend made the fall. In the end, we discovered that three out of eight eggs survived the fall!
Together we discussed what made these three eggs survive the fall rather than the other five eggs and what kind of egg armor is best for our poor little egg friends. Our second graders enjoyed this "egg-speriment" throughout this Easter science activity!
How fun!!