Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Fall Celebration

Yesterday our second and third graders had fun celebrating Reformation and Halloween. To celebrate, we wanted to join our chapel buddies, the sixth graders, for some fun STEM activities. Second and third graders paired up with their chapel buddy and worked with them as they figured out the best way to solve two different STEM activities. In the first activity, students went to Mrs. Smith's classroom where they were challenged with building the tallest tower out of toothpicks and candy corn. While half of the groups were in Mrs. Smith's classroom, the other half of the groups were in my classroom. In my classroom students were challenged with building a catapult using a spoon, rubber bands, and popsicle sticks. After building these catapults, students had fun testing them out in the gym to see which catapult could launch a piece of pumpkin candy the farthest. Halfway through our time, the groups switched classrooms so that all groups could participate in both STEM activities.

Second, third, and sixth graders had a great time celebrating together as they participated in these fun STEM activities!

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