Monday, June 13, 2016

SVSU Field Trip

During the last week of school, our second and third graders had the opportunity to go to SVSU and have some fun with SVSU students. We started out in the gym where students paired up with an SVSU student as they went through multiple activities. Students did everything from throwing balls to jumping and skipping from one side of the gym to another. Our second and third graders loved the opportunity to show off their skills in these different activities.

After finishing up with these activities, students had the opportunity to use the colorful parachute. Students loved using this parachute and being able to run underneath the parachute as well as sit in the parachute while it was inflated with air.

After eating lunch outside, students then moved from the gym to the swimming pool. Students played for hours in the SVSU pool. They loved jumping from the diving boards, playing with many different types of pool toys, and playing with their friends in the pool. Overall, this was a very successful field trip and students were exhausted afterward (which is always a good sign of an excellent field trip).

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