Monday, October 19, 2015

Egg Observations

Recently, we have started a new chapter in science which will introduce us to the life cycles of animals and how they grow and change throughout their lives. At the beginning of the chapter, we learned about how animals are born and how sometimes animals begin their life cycle by hatching from an egg. In order to better understand eggs and the different parts of an egg, our second and third graders observed hard boiled eggs in pairs. 

While observing these eggs, students answered questions about them, labeled different parts inside of an egg, and made inferences about what different types of eggs would look like inside and outside. Through this activity, students were able to study the different parts of an egg up close and they also had the opportunity to think about how a hard boiled egg is similar and different from a raw egg. Feel free to ask your child what they have learned about eggs. I'm sure they will be able to tell you many fun facts!

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