Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Compound Word Concoctions

Just this past week, second graders were learning a new concept through our Reading Street curriculum: compound words. Throughout the week, students were spelling, reading, and forming compound words in multiple activities in the classroom. One of these last activities was by far the most fun for the students. We liked to call it Compound Word Concoctions.

In this activity, each student in the classroom was given a different compound word, such as “butterfly” or “pancake”. Their job was to show these compound words as two separate words and one whole word through pictures. For example, given the compound word “ladybug”, the student would separate the word into two words, “lady” and “bug”, and draw a picture to go along with these words. After breaking the word apart, they would put it back together to make “ladybug” again and draw the picture for this compound word. Students truly let their artistic talents shine through in this activity and they enjoyed putting creative touches to their pictures.

These Compound Word Concoction pictures are now decorating our hallway window. Feel free to come and check out the creative compound word talents of our second graders!

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