The past week has been a blast in our second and third grade classroom! The sneaky little leprechaun, The Leprechaun King, has been visiting us up until St. Patrick's Day and he did some crazy things to our classroom. He liked to make messes, leave notes for students, and leave his green/sparkly little footprints all over the room. Many times he left a note and a coin for students if he saw them listening really well throughout the school day. On Friday, the leprechaun even visited my desk and made a mess on it! To go along with these leprechaun visits, students created Wanted Posters for our classroom leprechaun where they included a picture of the leprechaun as well as a detailed description of what he looks like. Here are some pictures from a few of the leprechaun visits and a few of the Wanted Posters that we hung throughout the school.
To end this crazy week, on Friday we joined our 6th grade chapel buddies for some St. Patrick's Day activities. In Mrs. Smith's classroom, students had the opportunity to play some St. Patrick's Day minute to win it games. In my classroom, students were given a large pile of pennies and were told to create a 3 inch tall, 3 inch wide arch using only pennies. It was interesting to watch each pair of chapel buddies try to accomplish this difficult task!
Happy St. Patrick's Day!