To begin the activity, we first discussed the parts of a Venn Diagram, then students were introduced to the Tulip Venn Diagram activity. Using a Venn Diagram, students would partner up and discuss some things that they had in common with each other (which would go in the middle of their diagram) and some things that were different about each other (which would go on either side of their diagram). I made sure that students were partnered up with others that they may not usually talk to in or out of the classroom.
Students enjoyed getting to know each other better and I heard many comments of, "oh, you like that too?" and "that is my favorite too!" Through this activity students saw their differences, but also their similarities and this will, hopefully, encourage students through these last few weeks of school to endeavor to share their similarities while also celebrating their differences. Feel free to come out and see our window displaying our Tulip Venn Diagrams!