Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Special Friends Day

Today our second and third graders had the opportunity to invite a "special friend" of their choice to join them for chapel and crafts today. We enjoyed taking them to chapel this morning and showing them what we do each week as we praise our amazing God. After attending chapel with our special friends, our second and third graders then enjoyed creating a craft with them. Second and third graders created a turkey headband by painting plates with q tips so that it looked like turkey feathers and then attaching the plate to a turkey headband. Students and special friends enjoyed creating these crafts together in the classroom.There were so many students and special friends that we had to split up the second and third graders into two different rooms so we would have a bit more wiggle room!

After creating these turkey headbands, students took their special friends back down to the church so that they could enjoy some juice, coffee, and donuts together. We enjoyed having our special friends come and visit us on this exciting day before Thanksgiving break. Thank you to all of those who came! To those who wondered how our turkey headbands turned out, here are a few pictures displaying our beautiful turkey headbands.

I hope you all have a safe and enjoyable Thanksgiving break!
Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Presidential Election

Today our second and third graders had the opportunity to vote for who they would like to be the next  president of the United States. Earlier in the week, students filled out a voter registration card which listed their name, grade, teacher, school, and signature. Before going to vote, we discussed what good citizens do while they're voting; they patiently wait while others vote, they don't talk about who they are voting for while waiting in line, and they don't ask other people who they voted for. When it was time to vote, students turned in their registration cards that they filled out and were given their ballot. Students enjoyed going to the voting booths, turning in their ballots, and getting a sticker to show that they voted. Thank you first graders and Mrs. Tucker for allowing us to participate in your presidential election!

Fall Party and Costume Parade!

Last Monday our second and third graders enjoyed taking part in a Fall Party and Costume Parade. Throughout the Fall Party, students enjoyed playing games and eating some yummy snacks. Students moved throughout the room participating in a ring toss, Bingo, building a candy corn tower, and creating a silly monster. Students snacked on yummy treats that the whole class graciously brought in so that we could fully enjoy the holiday. All of the students enjoyed wearing their costumes while they participated in this Fall Party. We want to say a BIG thank you to the moms who planned these fall games and brought in lots of snacks for our party, we had a blast!

After their Fall Party, students walked to the gym where they had the opportunity to see Martin Luther (Pastor Korte) and hear about why we celebrate the Reformation. Once this assembly was concluded, all classes walked back to their own classrooms and got ready to participate in the Costume Parade. Our second and third graders led this parade and we had the opportunity to walk through each classroom in the school, as well as the offices, to show off our costumes. Once the parade was finished, we sat down and played some "Heads Up, Seven Up" to finish off our fun day!